Weight Loss Example

Weight Loss Example
The situation

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

How To Lose Weight Quick

How To Lose Weight Quick
Submitted By: Kristie Chiles

Are you fat in places you wish that you were not? Would you like to know the safe way to lose weight quick? I have been a certiied aerobics instructor for sixteen years and a personal trainer for a short time as well, and I have seen all the tricks, all the gimmicks and all the trials. Here are five tips on how to lose weight quickly and safely. Start with a mental attitude of "take no prisoners" for the natural tendency is for us to excuse ourselves. This is not the time to pamper yourself. This means war, against bad, old habits of indulging yourself. If you don't like the way that sounds, go look in the mirror. If you don't like what you see, keep reading.

Examine why you put that everything into your mouth

A mental attitude is the beginning step here. Why are you eating everything in sight? Is it because you are hungry or could it be perhaps that you are using food as a consoler, to pamper yourself, to comfort you? If so, it is only a temporary fix and will wind up on your backside iin about three to four days. Ask yourself, is it worth it? Is it worth developing diabetes or losing my self-esteem each time I go to my closet to dress? The answer to that is no! Be kind to yourself and tell yourself that there is no food that tastes so good or that looks better than a smaller size pants/dress size or bathiing suit when the warm weather rolls around. Be tough, but be wise and eat healthy. Some think that it is smart to lose weight weight by starving. This is dead wrong. The only thing you lose by starving yourself is muscle, especially if you are not exercising. You can risk serious health issues and you won't look good or healthy. Thin, saggy muscles are not your goal. Eat healthy, eat often, and eat little amounts throughout the day. This is the key. This is the secret. Eat small, be small but eat raw, healthy vegetables and fruits and a good portion of protein from chicken, fish and some beef.

Examine everything you put in your mouth

First, buy a cheap calendar at the dollar store or choose a steno pad and write down everything, and I mean each and every item of food and drink that you consume every day for at least eight weeks. You will be amazed, no, probably dismayed at the amount of food/calories that you are consuming, even if you don't know how to count calories! Snacking, especially, makes one forget just how much you are taking in the form of a "quick fix" when you are mindlessly eating that bag of chips or candy. Even too many dry pretzels are empty calories and full of starch and carbohydrates that can pack on the pounds on the hips, thighs and buttocks. So, first, be aware of what you are doing and how much. I think this first step will be an eye-opener.

Examine when you put that everything into your mouth

Now, that you know what you are eating, then examine when you are eating. You need to eat a breakfast, lunch and early dinner, preferably before 7:00 p.m .After that time, most of what you eat will go straight into storage and that storage bin is called "fat" and that is not what you are seeking. If your family eats later, have an understanding that if Mommy or Daddy are going to live longer and feel more like doing those fun things on the weekend, this is part of that process. You can do this in a kind way and if the familty eats late, you can sit and sip water with lemon/lemon juice with them to be sociable. Most experts agree that a healthy snack in between meals is good as well, especially at first, until your stomach "shrinks" and you no longer have such a raging appetite 24/7. Snacks should include fresh or dried fruit, yogurt, or a low-fat nut. Low-fat is the key. Watch the labels of everything you buy before you buy and your calories will begin to reduce as a whole with these little subtle changes.

Get moving

You need to exercise at least three times a week just to maintain your fitness levels, so if you are really serious about seeing those pounds drop off, exercise five days a week. Don't go all out and overdo. Start gradually to walk for 20 - 30 minutes a day. Don't start jogging, or you will most certainly encounter shin splints. Once your legs are accustomed to walking, begin jogging a little at first and then gradually increase the time and distance. After the first couple of weeks of soreness, you will be amazed at how your body adapts. Go to a gym and work out on the machines at least twice a week, ask someone in the gym to show you what to do. Don't allow those machines to intimidate you!

Stop cheating

Find a way to reward yourself when you meet your short-term goals during this eight week period. If you love ice cream, once you have lost ten pounds, reward yourself. I follow the 80/20 rule. Most of the time I eat what I should and then there are those rare occasions where I treat myself. Otherwises, you may wind up feeling so sorry for yourself that you gorge. So, do all of this in moderation and be persistent. Over time, you will be successful, guaranteed.

About the Author:

Determined to lose that weight?I I believe that you can do this. Go to click here and shed those pounds before the next holiday! Kristie

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