Weight Loss Example

Weight Loss Example
The situation

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Successful Ways To Weight Loss

Successful Ways To Weight Loss
Submitted By: C S Liner

Some people try nearly every kind of new dieting idea that comes along hoping that one of them would finally work but end up finding it hard to stick to the diet and instead of finding the miracle, they end up consistently failing to lose the weight.

Obviously, these people fail to understand what prevents them from losing weight as they tend to overlook their own mistakes.

The human brain displays a remarkable ability of ignoring the things it does not want to face, it’s not hard to understand why some people eat all manner of things and still claim they haven’t touched anything but salad for a whole week.

If you don’t want to become one of these people then don’t worry there are ways around these problems if you just stick to some pointers then you should be fine.

To avoid compulsions and temptations one point is to make your eating a conscious act. The easiest way to do this is to carry around a notebook and a pen and to write down everything you eat and this means everything including that half eaten kit-kat you might have found in the fridge. By the end of the day you will have a list in the book of how many things you actually eat on a regular basis. you will be surprised at the results!

For most people eating and drinking are acts that bypass rational thinking and you should try to bring them out of the twilight zone. So every time you reach out for a drink or some food, stop and ask yourself “Why am I doing this?”.

Thirst and hunger should be the only legitimate reason you should NOT be drinking or eating for reasons such as boredom, loneliness, depression, tiredness or stress.

Put the bottle down if you’re not thirsty. Put the food back on the shelf or on the table if you’re not hungry.

Do you crave sweets because you’re tired? If so, getting more sleep will give you more energy instead of relying on bad sugars to give you that burst of energy.

Do you feel the need to eat because you’re lonely and depressed? Try going to the cinema or visit a friend. Read a book, watch a movie or listen to some music. There are options you just have to keep yourself active and not rely on food.

One of the biggest mistake in dieting is starving yourself. You should never starve yourself, unless you have enough willpower but even then you will break down sooner or later and eat the first thing that you can get your hands on, and usually snacks and junk food is the case.

When you starve yourself you make your body go into power save mode which limits your energy levels and hangs on to your existing fat. Your body doesn’t actually know the difference between dieting and starvation so it will behave as in danger, therefore eating 3 meals a day, plus snacks consisting of fruit and vegetables is the best way if your wanting to lose the weight.

Banishing your favorite foods completely is not a good idea as it will only sap your own willingness to stick to the diet. One main key to dieting is think moderation, not denial. If you like a little bit a chocolate, adding a little treat once a week doesn't hurt and another good idea is to take a break from whatever it is you’re doing and enjoy this special treat. Keep any guilt pains away and don’t feel like you’re cheating on the diet as in fact you’re just dieting, not preparing for admission to a convent or monastery.

So have a bit of forbidden food every five days or so and enjoy the moment.

Of course, exercising comes with every part of dieting, exercise is a must. Start small if you’re not used to exercising there’s no need to rush into hour-long training sessions.

Five minutes per day will do for starters. Get a treadmill and a pair of dumbbells and make your own schedule. Two minutes and a half of running and two minutes and half of curls. Every week increase the time spent exercising by another five minutes and add new exercises. Your goal should be to spend at least 30 minutes every day working out your body. Sixty minutes is even better, but it will come in time. It’s OK to start small.

By following the above your weight loss will be successful.

About the Author:

C S Liner is a professional writer for Weight Loss File a website designed to helping people loose weight in a healthy and sustainable way , a great place for all your weight loss information visit http://www.weightlossfile.com .

Weight Loss Adds Every Where

Weight Loss Adds Every Where
Submitted By: C S Liner

If you are interested in weight loss then I’m sure that you have tried many different things to assist you in your battle of the bulge. As modern consumers we are bombarded with all sorts of gimmicks to help us when it comes to weight loss. It has been shown that there are indeed a lot of fad’s and diets that don’t work. Have you wasted money on these fads and gimmicks? . Many people have and have had little or no effect on their weight loss.

We are continually bombarded on television with advertisements for different weight loss products. What works and what doesn’t is one of the biggest questions any consumer can ask themselves, before they part with their hard earned money. Don’t be sucked in by clever marketing that makes you feel as though you simply must buy the product because it’s a miracle product. I am sure some of you have many different gizmos and gadgets under your bed that you only ever used a few times before falling back into your old habits.

When it comes to weight loss there are a few proven methods that work and its like finding a needle in a haystack with all the advertising companies telling you that this is the only thing that works. Don’t believe a word of it. I found the answer to weight loss on the Internet and it doesn’t cost a fortune.

All you have to do if you want to find out about weight loss is to do your research from the comfort of your own home. Make sure you educate yourself about everything you can to do with weight loss. There are many web sites around that offer products but there are also sites that are just dedicated to weight loss , they are the ones that you should look for.

If you want to get the best ideas about diets and fitness programs to do with weight loss take my advice and do your research first. You will save yourself a lot of heartache when it comes to deciding exactly what sort of weight loss goals you want to achieve. Always read as much as you can and make sure that you consult a doctor before you engage in any sort of diet or calorie controlled program.

Exercise programs and fad’s come an go like the range of gadgets that claim to assist you in your weight loss goals, as previously stated don’t be sucked in and find out for yourself.

When you have finally worked out what is the best weight loss regime for you I am sure that you will be so happy you did as much research as possible, that’s what I did and I have now lost kilo’s just by making sure I had all the weight loss facts first and it didn’t cost me a cent.

After all is said and done go out and enjoy the new you and always make sure the advice you have regarding weight loss is reputable I am sure you will enjoy the new you

About the Author:

C S Liner is a professional writer for Weight Loss File a website designed to helping people loose weight in a healthy and sustainable way , a great place for all your weight loss information visit http://www.weightlossfile.com .

Real Food

Real Food
Submitted By: Jayne Waldorf

The only way to keep up with the latest about Healthy Eating is to constantly stay on the lookout for new information. If you read everything you find about Healthy Eating, it won't take long for you to become an influential authority.

It's really a good idea to probe a little deeper into the subject of Healthy Eating. What you learn may give you the confidence you need to venture into new areas.

Many people think popping a multi-vitamin supplement to get their nutrients is just as good as what comes from real foods. They don’t realize that it is far better to get vitamins and minerals from natural foods and juices. Our bodies utilize the vitamins and minerals from real foods more efficiently. And most people find it much easier to select a variety of whole foods they enjoy eating instead of trying to make heads or tails of the entire selection of vitamin and mineral supplements that are available. And any of us who’ve swallowed a multi-vitamin or a mineral supplement can say without a doubt that the taste leaves a lot to be desired.

Supplements are also difficult for our bodies to break down and use, making it difficult to get the full punch from the vitamins and minerals they contain. Conversely, by consuming plenty of nutrient-dense food to get the equivalent means the nutrients are going to be easier for the body to process and utilize, and less likely to be wasted. We are also processing nutrients throughout the course of the day when we obtain them from food, instead of just getting them from the ‘one a day’ approach.

Many of the supplements available today use fillers and binders to hold them together, plus coatings on the tablets themselves. These are products the body does not need and will not use. Some people find they are allergic to the dyes and fillers used in vitamin pills. However, the body uses the fiber that binds fruits and vegetables. Often the “skin” of a vegetable, like the potato, is the most nutritious part. In addition, sometimes the vitamin and mineral supplements can upset our stomachs, making taking them even more difficult the next day. In many cases, combining supplements can counteract their effectiveness and can produce stomach upset when dealing with the taste and smell of some supplements. On the other hand, a variety of fruits and vegetables enhance the flavor of a nutritious meal and their fiber aids digestion.

If you’re looking to lose weight, eating fresh food is vital to a weight loss plan. Also, eating fresh fruits and vegetables help hair, skin and teeth stay attractive and healthy. And when you think about it, fruits and vegetables are the original ‘to go’ food. It’s simple to grab for an orange, apple, banana, grapes, or quickly toss a few vegetables together for a salad to take to work.

So when you’re looking for well-balanced, healthy, reliable nutrition, don’t reach for the bottle. Reach for the food!

About the Author:

Jayne Waldorf served 5 years in the Womens Royal Air Force followed by 15 years as an Administrative Officer in the Civil Service.Today she enjoys spending time on her websites and with her family. She lives in Cheshire England with her husband and has two grown up sons. http://www.waldorflinks.com

Do You Want To Look Younger And Feel Healthier?

Do You Want To Look Younger And Feel Healthier?
Submitted By: Happy Riches

The one thing that has surprised me is the number of people who put me around 20yrs younger than my 54yrs of age. A bank manager made such a fuss over this just recently that my business partner, who didn't know my age, was so amazed he went home and ordered the products I am taking. Actually, his wife is delighted because by giving a daily dose to her 3 month baby, Ray, all his skin problems have disappeared and she does not have apply ointments and made trips to the medical center.

I can only attribute the fact that people say I look younger than my years to my love of good nutrition, because my brothers and sisters, who dismiss the necessity for taking the powerful supplements I take, all look older than me and I am oldest in my family. My biographical photo at ezinearticles.com was taken 5 weeks ago, so you can be the judge as to what age you think I am. Optimal nutrition is a must in my book and works out much cheaper than having medical bills, poor health and an inability to generate an income that provides a good standard of living because you haven't got the energy.

What really amazes me is how my brothers and sister have numerous health problems and I do not, but they still continue to refuse to get on the program. All I can say is that some people must get a thrill out of going to the local medical center and spending time in the waiting rooms.

Admittedly, I get a kick out of enjoying good health. And what I like about the products that I take is the detoxifying herbs do the work of eliminating damaging pollutants from my blood stream without having any nasty side effects and without the traumatic experience of a sudden detox. Every now and again, I can go on a fast and consume my product three times a day as a meal, because effectively that is what it is, but only much better because all the nutrients my body needs are being consumed. And I enjoy excellent health as a result.

We all need to have protein, carbohydrates, fatty acids, vitamins and minerals every day. However, when studying for a graduate diploma in clinical nutrition, I learnt the importance of having synergistically balanced nutrition. When you add detoxifying herbs into the mix, you have a powerful intake of nutrients and herbs that are able to give you optimum health. This is something that even medical doctors are not aware. Unfortunately, medical practitioners are not taught about good health, rather they are taught about ill-health under the pretense they are going to save the world. But you and I both know doctors are unable to save anybody because death reigns; all doctors do is prolong a person's existence here on earth..

If you are concerned about your health, I would advise you to contact somebody like myself who can help you get a better understanding of nutrition and how your life can be improved through optimal nutrition by consuming a synergistically balanced product.

About the Author:

Happy Riches knows how to show you how. Happy Riches runs an educational membership club which has a focus on people becoming healthy, wealthy and wise. Happy Riches can be found at http://www.happyriches.name

How To Lose Weight Quick

How To Lose Weight Quick
Submitted By: Kristie Chiles

Are you fat in places you wish that you were not? Would you like to know the safe way to lose weight quick? I have been a certiied aerobics instructor for sixteen years and a personal trainer for a short time as well, and I have seen all the tricks, all the gimmicks and all the trials. Here are five tips on how to lose weight quickly and safely. Start with a mental attitude of "take no prisoners" for the natural tendency is for us to excuse ourselves. This is not the time to pamper yourself. This means war, against bad, old habits of indulging yourself. If you don't like the way that sounds, go look in the mirror. If you don't like what you see, keep reading.

Examine why you put that everything into your mouth

A mental attitude is the beginning step here. Why are you eating everything in sight? Is it because you are hungry or could it be perhaps that you are using food as a consoler, to pamper yourself, to comfort you? If so, it is only a temporary fix and will wind up on your backside iin about three to four days. Ask yourself, is it worth it? Is it worth developing diabetes or losing my self-esteem each time I go to my closet to dress? The answer to that is no! Be kind to yourself and tell yourself that there is no food that tastes so good or that looks better than a smaller size pants/dress size or bathiing suit when the warm weather rolls around. Be tough, but be wise and eat healthy. Some think that it is smart to lose weight weight by starving. This is dead wrong. The only thing you lose by starving yourself is muscle, especially if you are not exercising. You can risk serious health issues and you won't look good or healthy. Thin, saggy muscles are not your goal. Eat healthy, eat often, and eat little amounts throughout the day. This is the key. This is the secret. Eat small, be small but eat raw, healthy vegetables and fruits and a good portion of protein from chicken, fish and some beef.

Examine everything you put in your mouth

First, buy a cheap calendar at the dollar store or choose a steno pad and write down everything, and I mean each and every item of food and drink that you consume every day for at least eight weeks. You will be amazed, no, probably dismayed at the amount of food/calories that you are consuming, even if you don't know how to count calories! Snacking, especially, makes one forget just how much you are taking in the form of a "quick fix" when you are mindlessly eating that bag of chips or candy. Even too many dry pretzels are empty calories and full of starch and carbohydrates that can pack on the pounds on the hips, thighs and buttocks. So, first, be aware of what you are doing and how much. I think this first step will be an eye-opener.

Examine when you put that everything into your mouth

Now, that you know what you are eating, then examine when you are eating. You need to eat a breakfast, lunch and early dinner, preferably before 7:00 p.m .After that time, most of what you eat will go straight into storage and that storage bin is called "fat" and that is not what you are seeking. If your family eats later, have an understanding that if Mommy or Daddy are going to live longer and feel more like doing those fun things on the weekend, this is part of that process. You can do this in a kind way and if the familty eats late, you can sit and sip water with lemon/lemon juice with them to be sociable. Most experts agree that a healthy snack in between meals is good as well, especially at first, until your stomach "shrinks" and you no longer have such a raging appetite 24/7. Snacks should include fresh or dried fruit, yogurt, or a low-fat nut. Low-fat is the key. Watch the labels of everything you buy before you buy and your calories will begin to reduce as a whole with these little subtle changes.

Get moving

You need to exercise at least three times a week just to maintain your fitness levels, so if you are really serious about seeing those pounds drop off, exercise five days a week. Don't go all out and overdo. Start gradually to walk for 20 - 30 minutes a day. Don't start jogging, or you will most certainly encounter shin splints. Once your legs are accustomed to walking, begin jogging a little at first and then gradually increase the time and distance. After the first couple of weeks of soreness, you will be amazed at how your body adapts. Go to a gym and work out on the machines at least twice a week, ask someone in the gym to show you what to do. Don't allow those machines to intimidate you!

Stop cheating

Find a way to reward yourself when you meet your short-term goals during this eight week period. If you love ice cream, once you have lost ten pounds, reward yourself. I follow the 80/20 rule. Most of the time I eat what I should and then there are those rare occasions where I treat myself. Otherwises, you may wind up feeling so sorry for yourself that you gorge. So, do all of this in moderation and be persistent. Over time, you will be successful, guaranteed.

About the Author:

Determined to lose that weight?I I believe that you can do this. Go to click here and shed those pounds before the next holiday! Kristie

Weight Loss And Healthy Eating

Weight Loss And Healthy Eating
Submitted By: Jayne Waldorf

Experts say there are two basic categories of foods that can be considered "keeping it off foods" because they fill your tummy without piling on the calories. They are fruits and vegetables.

The nutrient that gives fruits and vegetables that ‘staying power?’ Fiber. So, if fruits and vegetables are the "keeping-it-off food groups," fiber may well be the "keeping-it-off super-nutrient."

Protein is another super-nutrient. It's becoming more scientifically accepted that protein may help to curb appetite. Protein also offers staying power, and can slightly boost your metabolism in the process. But it’s imperative that you choose your proteins wisely, because like all other foods, if you’re eating more than your body needs, it’ll show up on the scale as a gain, instead of a loss.

The following foods are smart, low-calorie choices that will benefit your weight loss efforts:

Green Tea - Researchers suspect that the catechins (helpful phytochemicals) in green tea may trigger weight loss by stimulating the body to burn calories and mildly decrease body fat. So indulge in either a hot cup or a nice tall iced glass of green tea.

Broth- or tomato-based soup – Soups can help reduce hunger before meals and increase your feeling of fullness.
Low-calorie green salads - Having a low-calorie salad – which is not defined as one that’s loaded with croutons, high fat dressings, and cheese - as a first course can help you feel full, thereby reducing how much you eat with your main course. Wisely choose your ingredients, and its high fiber content can be the key to helping you fight cravings later in the day.

Yogurt – Including dairy products as part of your healthy diet may promote your weight loss efforts. Choosing a light yogurt may help you fight off hunger pangs due to its combination of protein and carbohydrate.

Beans – A great combination of fiber and protein, beans help you feel full longer, which means they may work to curb your between-meal appetite.

Water – Water is your body’s lifeblood, and you should be drinking it through your day. It’s a great no-calorie beverage, and you can get it by drinking unsweetened tea, flavored unsweetened mineral water, regular water with lime or lemon. In addition to helping flush toxins from the body, it can also help you feel full. So when those hunger pangs strike, try drinking a glass of water before grabbing that snack.

Drinking a glass of water before a meal can also be beneficial to your weight loss program.

High-Fiber, Whole-Grain Cereal - Whole grains in general help boost fiber and the nutritional value of your meal. One of the easiest ways to give your daily diet a whole-grain boost is to have a bowl of higher-fiber whole-grain cereal as breakfast or a snack.

Never miss breakfast if you can help it.It is the most important meal of the day and if you starve yourself your body will slow your metabolism down so starving yourself becomes counter productive.

As your knowledge about Healthy Eating continues to grow, you will begin to see how Healthy Eating fits into the overall scheme of things. Knowing how something relates to the rest of the world is important too.

About the Author:

Jayne Waldorf served 5 years in the Womens Royal Air Force followed by 15 years as an Administrative Officer in the Civil Service.Today she enjoys spending time on her websites and with her family. She lives in Cheshire England with her husband and has two grown up sons. http://www.waldorflinks.com

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